Beneath the Surface

POMprompt #10

Sheetal Prakash


Photo by Elianne Dipp from Pexels

You are Mother Nature’s children they said,
Leaving me to ponder in retrospect.
A cold night under the warmth of the blanket of stars
Managed to quash the question mark that loomed overhead.
The Universe has ears after all,
Maybe the law of attraction wasn’t a myth but a windfall.

You are Mother Nature’s children, they said.
Maybe that's why you are stratified like her —
Something on the surface
And the unmatched layers within?
The superficial self masking the deepest and the darkest self
Concealing the burning hot core
Or the gems that gleam but manage to fade in the sunlight?
But for how long can you keep to yourself?

Buried under all those complexities is your true self.
You need a vent to be yourself, don’t you?
Through your spewing lava or the natural springs.
I want to see all the facets of you —
The tranquil river and the gushing waves
Unleash them all for
How long can you keep to yourself?

It’s fatal to unearth, I wouldn’t deny
But the external is bound to melt and fade
And what remains is your truest inner self.

I can sense your apprehensions in my veins
Maybe you are scarred by one too many,
The price you paid for letting them in
Because the same ray of sunlight morphs into cure and burn.

But I promise I wouldn’t make you regret
As I too have a scar that still burns.
So will you let me unearth?

This poem tries to draw parallels between the Earth with its numerous layers and humans who have a distinct outer self that the world sees and inner true self at the ends of the spectrum. I have wanted to highlight how we as superior beings have exploited the Earth and looted its buried treasures. But this is applicable to our human emotions that get marred for opening up which makes us mask our true identities for safekeeping. The core, being the innermost layer of the Earth is a melting pot in the true sense that man has never stepped foot on or even gone close to it to date, similar to our deepest core. Ultimately we are the bi-products of this Earth herself.



Sheetal Prakash
Writer for

Vibrant. Perfectly imperfect by all means. Trying to paint a decent picture on the canvas of life. Engineer by profession, experimenter by heart.